Phillips Auctions Rolex Deep Sea Special No.35, Fake Rolex Watches

From November 5th to 7th, 2021, Phillips and Bacs & Russo held the “Watch Collection-Geneva XIV” auction, presenting a Rolex Deep Sea Special No. 35 watch. This watch is equipped with an inter-gold case and bracelet, which is well preserved and can be called “museum quality.”

In the early 1950s, Rolex began to develop pressure-resistant watches in response to the demand for waterproof imitation watches. In 1953/1954, Rolex released the iconic Submariner diving watch. But the brand did not stop there but decided to go further in development and testing. Fake rolex watches.

“Rolex contacted the famous Swiss oceanographer and engineer Professor Auguste Picard to test the watch in his diving experiments, and the latter readily accepted. Rolex engineers developed a watch with a special case and arched mirror. to withstand extreme pressure,” explains Phillips. “In 1953, Rolex fixed the first prototype watch on the outside of the “Trieste” submersible and first tested it at 1,080 meters. , and then dived to 3,150 meters in the same year. After completing the preliminary test, Rolex started the second mission with the second prototype watch in 1960. This time, the new Deep Sea Special watch is specially created to withstand the most extreme conditions, diving to more than 10,000 meters below sea level, and Auguste Picard and Don Walsh from the deepest point known on Earth. Yana Trench completed the test.”

The Rolex Deep Sea Special was produced in minimal quantities and was never released to the public. Most notably, the 1960 dive with the Trieste to The Deep Sea Special N°3 watch from the Mariana Trench is currently on display at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC.”

Rolex Deep Sea Special watches are rare; so far, only five pieces have been auctioned publicly, and the rest are owned and displayed by museums and related institutions. The last time it appeared in the auction market was in 2009 when it was sold by Christie’s.

Brand: Rolex
Series: Submariner
Band Length: 19cm
Case Color: Silver-tone
Gender: Men’s
Case Thickness: 16mm
Model: 116613-LN-97203

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