In-depth Analysis Of Rolex Knockoff Green Water Ghost Watch

Today, I will analyze the performance of the green water ghost and the reasons for the price increase. Before examining these, I will briefly introduce the Rolex knockoff Water Ghost series.

The Water Ghost, officially known as the Underwater Diver, is a perennial Rolex and one of the most classic. The Water Ghost collection comes in three traditional colors: green, blue, and black. It’s an athleisure watch and works well with formal wear. Rolex Oyster type non-diving watch, usually waterproof 100 meters, and professional grade Rolex diving watch, often reach 1220 meters or 3900 meters. The Water Ghost is now 300 meters in between, achieving a perfect balance.

Rolex’s position in the watch circle, needless to say, green water ghost as the Rolex number one player, naturally bears the brunt. It has to be noted that the color of the green water ghost is very successful. In this era of everyone’s pursuit of self, the green water ghost meets the psychological needs of many people. The eye-catching color scheme can be recognized as a Rolex green water ghost from a few meters away, and it’s hard to keep a low profile. Here is the analysis.

Rolex knockoff green water Ghost Performance:

1. Rolex knockoff strong

  • it is the consensus among Rolex watch lovers; It’s so powerful that they call it “surgical resistance.” The movement is durable, and the performance is super stable; the failure rate is low.

2. Excellent artistry

  • The artistry of Rolex is recognized in the industry. Xiaobian believes that the artistry of Rolex is better than some of the so-called top ten watches, which is also the conclusion of the comparison of some brands of the top ten Rolex replica watches, so there is no superior artistry, how can you match the title of “once and for all”.

3. Rolex knockoff perfect after-sales service

  • Rolex warranty for five years, five years to solve the problem of labor service and the essential point is that Rolex knockoff supports the global labor service test table, no matter where you buy, no matter what channel you buy, no matter how many hands to buy, as long as you want to test the table, directly take a single table to labor service test can be immediately desirable, open the cover test table. That’s why Rolexes retain their value and are hard currency.

4. Details

  • Outer ring green ceramic process ensures brightness and wear resistance: high hardness, ordinary friction without any damage.

The new table to get the hand appearance is stunning because of high-strength stainless steel with a high polishing process. Still, it is easy to appear it is also a consequence of high polish, which is prone to scratches.

The watchband part using the drawing grinding process can reduce the scratch. But there are still a lot of minor marks.

When walking, because of the watch. The state of each table is not the same and can not be generalized; the form of the new table and the old table is not the same after maintenance, and the care of the state is not the same.

Reasons for the price increase:

1. Scaremongering and updating

Now been rumors 116610 lv green ghost to shut down, don’t buy. You won’t be able to buy it. This small editor disagrees Rolex Green Water Ghost will continue, with the new generation being particular. The 3235 movements have been dismantled with a lot of work, so the green water ghost 3235 directions are close. If we follow this rhythm, we can complete the replacement within two years, and the demand will exceed the wholesale price after the market. As production cannot keep up with demand, it is like the rhythm of ceramic panda Di.

2. Scarce supply of goods

From ancient times to now, the market share of precious goods has been relatively small, simply put, “things are rare for expensive”. It is rumored that Rolex produces only one green water ghost for every ten black water ghosts. Although it is rumored, it is indisputable that the output of green water ghosts is less. Three years ago, Rolex knockoff gave dealers a quota of 9 coins a year, but it has changed to 3 or 4 coins. Xiaobian said that he did not know what to say.

To sum up: the Rolex Stalker series is a perfect watch. Many advantages, beautiful, fashionable, unisex, and well-made. The downside is that it's too expensive. The green ghost is too costly. Like the price of Beijing, buying tables requires tens of thousands of dollars and asking to allocate other tables.

The Stalker series is not a high-end series in the Rolex product mix, let’s say medium. But now that it’s more expensive than high-end, it’s not acceptable. In short, the green Ghost watch is worth owning; watch friends according to their ability.

Model:116610 LV
Case_size:40 MM
Bracelet_material:Steel (Oyster)
Water_resistance:Water Resistant
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