Rolex, Almost No One Has Seen Watch Replicas

Only two pieces of this Rolex are known in mainland China and only fifty pieces worldwide. Very few people have seen it! Today I will introduce you to Rolex’s one-minute simple chronograph Rolex Zerograph!

Rolex 3346 is a simple clock issued by Rolex in the 1930s and 1940s. This simple clock can only measure one minute. It is called a submeter, also known as a zero timer (Zerograph), so it is called Rolex Zerograph.

And Zerogarph created three Rolex firsts in the world:

This is the first Rolex watch replicas equipped with a flyback function.

This is the first Oyster waterproof case Rolex chronograph.

This is the first time Rolex has used a rotating chronograph bezel.

Many people think that the Rolex Zerograph (model 3346) is an experimental chronograph of Rolex. Unfortunately, it was not mass-produced in the end after World War II. The dial is also diverse. Currently, it is known that there are black California dials, White number dials, white chronograph dials, white hospital-style dials, etc.

This simple clock differs from a traditional timepiece, obtained by adding a module to the basic movement. On the third or fourth bus, it is a Rolex 710 movement, plus a set of chronograph arms, springs, and cams. So, this can also have a flyback function at the same time.

The size of 3346 is about 32MM and is an oyster waterproof case. The shell shape can be described as very plump and robust.

Rolex Zerograph is an extremely rare simple chronograph. The number of this timepiece is too rare. In the early 1990s, foreign news pointed out that about 100 clocks were circulated in the market, but it was confirmed later. Yes, the production quantity is only about 50 pieces, which is very rare!

However, today, through auctions and collectors’ verification, only four 3346 Zerographs with rotating outer rings have been circulated in the market. The shell numbers currently in circulation are 146’270, 146’271, 146’275, and 146’276). Foreign auctions are sold at around 400,000 Swiss francs.

In addition to the 3346 with a rotating outer ring, Zerograph has other variants. For example, the 3890 without a rotating outer ring has a subdivision timing scale, and the time scale is a blue enamel three-dimensional time scale, which is also unique.

The 3890 model also has a more simple style. For example, this one does not have a chronograph circle on the dial. It is a very clean blue enamel three-dimensional time scale.

There is also this model 3479 without a rotating outer ring, which is also one of the variants—numeral scale between luminous.

Zerograph also has a brother, Centergraph. These two names use a table with the same configuration. Centergraph is also a one-minute simple clock, but it has thirteen circles. Next time we have a chance, we will write a Centergraph.

Perhaps the “Zerograph” and “Centregraph” one-minute single-press simple chronographs laid the foundation and created the future 4500 and Daytona universe.

It may be the loss of war and history. It is also possible that many collectors have this swiss replica watch hidden in the watch box. They don’t know each other, or maybe it’s the treasure of the golden house, so the remaining 40 or so have never been out of the rivers and lakes. The joy of Lao Lao Lao, the best antique, is that every time he comes out of the rivers and lakes, he can ignite a lot of topics and enthusiasm.

  • Case Size: 40mm
  • Gender: Men’s
  • Movement: Automatic
  • Brand: Rolex
  • Engine: Rolex Calibre 7750/Mingzhu Engine
  • Dial Color: White Dial
  • Series: Daytona
  • Band Length: 18cm
  • Model: 116520

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